Example laser image.

Laser & Light Effects

Here are some of the effects we can create for you. Check out our photo gallery for examples.

Aerial Beam Effects
bright, dynamic lasers create awesome aerial effects and displays, create a lattice of laser work over large areas, or a fan-like beam over an entire audience turning the event into a 3D experience.
Mirror Effects
shoot lazer beams around the room using mirrors strategically placed to enhance effects.
Haze & Fog
odorless, tasteless fog-like effect which may be used in combination with laser beams for visual effects or used alone to fill room.
3D Mid-Air Animations
animations that appear in mid-air.
Screen Graphics, Animation, and Text
images beamed onto a wall or screen to add humor, fun, and entertainment to your event, can be set to music in order to give a fully memorable experience.
Confetti Explosions
blasts confetti safely into audience to add an exciting element to show/presentation, custom confetti can be shot over your crowd.
Custom Logos
add your company's logo to any of our shows for a personal touch at your next conference, corporate meeting, or event.
Intelligent Lighting
a combination of different colors and shapes to create the ultimate lighting experience.
Fly Guys
air generated dancers add a fun and active effect to any party or event.
Custom Animations
allow us to create a custom animation for you to add a personal touch in order to enhance presentations, shows, and events; focusable on many different surfaces but primarily projected onto screens or walls.